As known, Jung U-know Yunho is the leader of Korea's boyband, TVXQ-DBSK-TOHOSHINKI. Today, February 6th is his birthday. :) <3 He was born in Gwangju, South Korea, February, 6th 1986.
He is the best leader. His charming, his wises, his charismatics makes me falling in love with him. He always be a good leader of the group, although he isn't the older in TVXQ, but he can handle every problem in group and member, and also give the solution. He always makes all member feel cozy and comfort with him. ^o^
In this birthday, I hope, he'll be a better man than before. I pray for his happiness. I hope he can get whatever he want in his birthday, I hope he always success in his life. :) <3 <3
We all know, Yunho want to makes TVXQ comeback as 5, Cassiopeia want it too. :) I'm CASSIOPEIA, and I always keep the faith. :) All Cassiopeia over the world believe and always support TVXQ and the member. <3
We, Cassiopeia believe, one day, TVXQ will comeback as 5. And in that time, CASSIOPEIA will support TVXQ, of course with the red ocean. :) ^__^
Happy birthday our best leader, Jung Yunho. <3
Saengil chukkae, oppa. <3
Selamat ulang tahun, khusus untuk U-know TVXQ. <3
Sukses slalu untuk oppa, dan jadilah seorang yang lebih baik di tahun ini. Aku doakan untuk kesuksesan dan kebahagiaan Yunho oppa.
Dan percayalah, oppa, kami, CASSIOPEIA, akan selalu ada disamping oppa dan TVXQ, mendukung oppa dan TVXQ, dan percaya, suatu hari nanti, TVXQ akan kembali, dengan Yunho, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu, dan Changmin, dan kami akan ada di sana, dengan Red Ocean. :) <3
Believe it, oppa, CASSIOPEIA will always besides oppa and TVXQ, support oppa and TVXQ, and believe, one day TVXQ will comeback withYunho, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu and Changmin, and we'll be there with the Red Ocean. :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNG YUNHO, WISH YOU ALL THE BEST. :) You deserves all of happiness in your life. ^^
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- kikie
- Im a HUMANOIDS, not A-N-D-R-O-I-D~! I ♥ TVXQ. Fan of Lee Min Ho. Support VR46. Love watching SHINHWA Broadcast. :) me YUNJAE-shipper. not really into KPOP, but interest in JPOP esp ARASHI. member of GARUDA SIPIL 2013. ALWAYS KEEP THE FAITH!
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